You Are Here:  Car Racing Games > Bike Games > BMX For Boys

BMX For BoysPlays: 14576   ( 7.31 MB )    

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BMX For Boys Description:

Get ready and challenge your skills in this new BMX game. There are 15 intense levels and 4 bikes for you to unlock at level 3, 6, 9 and 12. Make tricks with back and front flips and press X and C to perform super-man trick or thail whip. Use arrow keys to steer and ride the bike. Use space to jump. Make the indicated number of points to unlock new levels. Good luck and have fun!

BMX For Boys Instructions:

Space - Jump, X-superman, C - Tail Whip. Use arrow keys to steer and ride the BMX hold up arrow key when you reach the top of the ramp to be able to make the trick and land safely on the road.

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BMX For Boys Reviews:

  Total 3 reviews

by: Haroonmughal on 07 Oct, 2016
Bike racing game download

by: doesitmatter? on 17 Sep, 2016
peor juego de la historia

by: saifullah on 20 Jul, 2016
good game

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